Automotive business

Integrated system

Integrated System Supplier
of Glass Assembly

We consistently provide “development,” “design,”
“production,” and “quality assurance” to automobile
manufacturers and overseas affiliated companies, creating
products that meet our customers’ needs.

Development Meeting

What is required for the function as an assembly = automobile function?

To meet customers’ demands considering environmental performance and safety, departments gather to decide on development themes that can provide new value to customers.

Product Design

Development of bonding technology and part design
Enhancing the quality and functionality of glass
Overall design of the window system

We begin the design of the product. We hold many meetings with the customer to listen to their performance requirements. Basic performance is confirmed at this stage through simulation. In the design of resin parts, we conduct overall design to enhance the quality and functionality of glass for assembly, in addition to ensuring the quality of individual parts.


Verification experiments with prototypes

We produce prototypes and confirm if the performance matches the simulation and check the limit performance. In material development, this area is very important.

Mass Production Preparation

Process design to achieve quality and cost targets Design of in-house developed equipment in collaboration with the development team

We start preparations to ensure smooth production in the factory. We set targets for quality, cost, and time. In new vehicle development, we also verify if new products (developed products) can be produced without issues.

Mass Production

Ensure quality assurance and ship products

The glass assemblies assembled in our process are delivered to the customer’s factory, where they become completed vehicles and are supplied to people all over the world.